42 Rescued after boat sinks

Mar 26, 2008
Before going to bed last night, I started reading the Power of Now. I was only able to read about 2-3 pages before I had to put it down. The reason was not because I found it boring, but because what I was reading was speaking to me in such great depth and power that I felt I needed to take a break to truly absorb what I was reading. That night, as I was asleep, I had this dream. I was travelling cross country with what I perceived to be my family. We had crossed over the rockies and instead of continuing on land, we had to cross a vast body of water, like a sea, in order to get  to our destination in California. The dream took us from travelling by car to flying over the water in what I can only guess was a helicopter of some type. While flying over the water, we noticed a small comercial boat, with a crew of about 20-30 men. Something caused the boat to capsize and the crewmen were floating in the water waiting to be saving. In the dream, one of the thoughts to cross my mind was how the crewmen were able to float for so long in the vast sea of water, waiting to be rescued.

My answer came to me the following morning as I was driving to work and listening to NPR. This store came on and I found it such a coincidence on how much it seemed to resemble my dream:

I think the story by itself is amazing, but to have had a dream that so resembled it and equally amazing to me. It makes me wonder if while reading the power of now, if my mind synchronized itself  with some outer conciousness that manifested itself in my dreams.


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