CakePHP: Restrict DebugKit to An IP Address

Sep 20, 2014
I've been playing around with CakePHP and using the DebugKit Toolbar component. It's great to have while I'm developing, and sometimes in production, but I of course don't want everyone to see it, except for me.
I looked up how to unload components in the documentation:
which shows this example
I applied it to the DebugKit Toolbar like so:

Restricting IP Address In A CFWheels Database Table

I also wanted to restrict it on my IP address. Since my IP address can change, I added a new field to a settings table I created for my Blog, written in CFWheels, called adminsettings. The structure looks like this:
I inserted a new name and value called debugIPAddress in my blogs database using CF Wheels conventions:
INSERT INTO `cvazquezblog`.`adminsettings` (`name`, `value`, `createdAt`)
VALUES ('debugIPAddress', '[your computer's ip address]',now());

CakePHP View to Access CFWheels Table

For CakePHP, I have a view setup, using CakePHP's conventions, like so:
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS cvazquezblogcake.admin_settings;
CREATE DEFINER = `blog_view_user`@`localhost`
    VIEW cvazquezblogcake.admin_settings (`id`, name, value, deletedAt)
	 SELECT id, name, value, deletedAt
	 FROM cvazquezblog.adminsettings
And with the proper permissions:
GRANT SELECT ON cvazquezblogcake.admin_settings TO 'cakeUser'@'localhost';
GRANT SELECT ON cvazquezblog.adminsettings TO blog_view_user@localhost;

Checking the IP Address in CakePHP

Now that I have my IP address stored in the database, I figured I could add the IP address check in the file
and in the method beforeFilter()
Here's how the function looks:
That's it. Whenever I have a new IP address, I can update it in the table. For a future upgrade, I can allow multiple debugIPAddress records, then perform a loop for a valid one, but I really want to control only one IP address at a time.


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