
Jan 29, 2008
I caught the movie Idiocracy on HBO the other day. I never heard of it before and caught it about 20 minutes in.  My first impression was that it was pretty dumb. Then as the movie moved forward, I started liking it. By the end, I really thought it was a possible future for our planet. Since then I did see the entire movie. I enjoyed the whole electrolytes scene in the white house the best  and how water is only for the toilet.

After seeing this movie, I've started to pick out places in our society that could lead to Idiocracy. I'm making a list here every time I think of one or discover something during the day.

  1. Burger chain offers "McDiplomas"
    The first thing I thought of when I saw this was how Costco was handing out diplomas for law degrees.

  2. Electrolytes and energy drinks (aka Brawndo)
    Have you noticed in the past 10 years how many companies have come out with a drink that has electrolytes in it or is an energy drink. Even Budweiser has an energy drink. Convenient stores like 7/11 have a whole section or 2 dedicated to just these types of drinks.

  3. EU To Italy: Clean Up Naples' Garbage Mess
    If you saw the movie, the whole country (probably the whole world too) was pilled high in garbage after the landfills of the world reached their capacity. Looks like the Neopolitan's are running into the problem sooner than expected.

  4. Throwing garbage onto the street
    This Naples problem just reminds me how I see so many people throwing garbage onto the street. There's probably not a week that goes by when I'm driving someplace,  that I see another driver throwing trash out their window. And when I go running, I see it up close, with garbage lining the streets, sidewalks and grassy areas.


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